Dorchester Drug Informer Is Arrested On Drug Charges in Massachusetts

Drug informant Stephen G. Kalil, the Dorchester man whose help led to the arrests of a retired Massachusetts trooper, a state trooper, and two others for collecting drug debts and selling OxyContin, has been arrested.

He was brought into federal court last week on charges that he sold drugs-even while helping authorities put the other four people jail.

In July, Kalil informed investigators that he was going to Florida because he felt safer there after all the exposure he’d received as an informant during the arrests. When he returned to Massachusetts via Logan International Airport in Boston a week ago, however, he went straight to a Federal Express facility where he allegedly dropped off a package filled with drugs. The package was to be delivered to a location on Martha’s Vineyard.

The 49-year-old Dorchester man was also charged with illegal possession of firearms stemming from the seizure of three guns from his home in Dorchester in January.

Kalil has a criminal record for drug dealing, assaults, and larceny and is not allowed to own a gun because he is a convicted felon.

An attorney for Kalil says the fact that he was allowed to be an informant despite the discovery of the firearms earlier in the year shows how the government misuses its informants.

Kalil had been apprehended last November while trying to board a plane to Florida with a large amount of OxyContin pills and more than $20,000 in cash. He told Customs Enforcement agents, US immigration, and Massachusetts State Police that he was an informant against Mark V. Lemieux, the Massachusetts state trooper that he helped get arrested.

The investigation that followed led to Lemieux’s arrest.

Informer is held on drug charges,, July 21, 2007
Heroin influx spurs N.E. drug epidemic,, October 9, 2003

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Drug Policy Forum of Massachusetts

If you have been arrested for allegedly committing a drug crime in Massachusetts, you should speak with an experienced criminal lawyer immediately. Your criminal defense attorney can protect your rights and knows how to get the charges reduced or dropped when possible.

In 2001, 687 people were arrested on federal drug charges in Massachusetts. 16,528 people were arrested on state charges.

Altman & Altman LLP is a well-respected criminal law firm that represents clients throughout the state of Massachusetts that have been arrested on drug charges, murder charges, robbery charges, or any other criminal charge. We can help you obtain the best outcome possible for your criminal case and make sure that your rights are protected during any criminal proceedings.

Call Altman & Altman LLP, toll-free, at (877) 721-4732 or at (617) 492 -3000 and ask for your free case evaluation today.

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