
Fall River MA City Councilor Is Arrested In Prostitution Sting – A Boston Criminal Attorney’s Viewpoint

The Boston Criminal Lawyer Blog is so proud to announce that, thanks to local law enforcement, the good people of Fall River can sleep soundly tonight, knowing that they have once again been kept safe by intrepid police work.

By this, of course, I refer to the brave and brilliant criminal investigation that has led to the arrest of 24 foul demons for the crime against nature known as prostitution.

Yes, I am referring to the most recent prostitution sting win which 23 unknowns and a Fall River City Councilor have been arrested and are being brought to justice. With these dangerous criminals off the streets, the authorities can now focus on the lesser crimes of homicide, rape and drug trafficking.

After all, as we have often heard, there are only so many resources to go around…!

The science behind such police operations has been discussed before in this blog. Generally, it involves having a female police officer dress and prance in a sexually provocative manner so as to entice men to inquire about the possibility of paying for sex with her. Thus located, these offenders are snatched up as if by a Venus Fly Trap and awarded the Commonwealth bracelets of shame.

While one might wish there was such a charge as “Felony Stupidity” which could be brought against a public official who approaches a prostitute on the street, the prostitution charge itself will have to do for any movement in trying to run him from office. He claims, by the way, that he will not resign.

We’ll see. Meanwhile, he and his fellow alleged criminals will be appearing at their Arraignment this morning.

Attorney Sam’s Take:

For any regular reader of this blog, the above sarcasm should come as no surprise. My viewpoint of these sting operations is no secret. I simply marvel at the celebrated efforts which chase the world’s oldest profession from the streets to the world wide web and then back again to the streets. It is as if someone actually believes that prostitution will end.

Whether or not people actually believe it should…it is pretty clear that it won’t.

But, then again, this is not a blog about the sociology of the sex trade, which seems to be one of the most successful trades in all economic climates. Pretty good for something that people claim they actually want eliminated, don’t you think?

Anyway, prostitution is an example of a criminal enterprise that once was not treated terribly seriously. However, especially in these days wherein the flow of violent crime seems almost impossible to stop, it does make for an easier crime to combat. It also brings with it the blanket of moral superiority that we can wrap ourselves in during our famous cold weather.

And so, such criminal justice victories are celebrated. This is particularly the case when someone of note, such as the hapless official in today’s posting, is one of those arrested.

Said official’s lapse in judgment has now not only cost him problems at work, but the publicity his over-active libido has now allegedly cost him may end his career and family life.

If you make a mistake and find yourself in a similar circumstance, whether or not the media is interested, you want to do whatever is possible to minimize the damage to your life. You should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

If you would like to discuss such a problem with me, please feel free to call me at (617) 206-1942.

To read the actual article upon which today’s blog is based, please refer to :

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